What is the effect of endoscopic face lift?

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Apart from aging, other factors also affect facial skin aging, for example, if your facial skin is permanently exposed to direct sunlight, you will undoubtedly face premature aging. Also, the lifestyle or the type of facial skin is also influential in its aging, but don’t worry; Because professional experts have incorporated a method to help rejuvenate your facial skin naturally. One of the best, most common and popular methods to rejuvenate your facial skin is called endoscopic lift. This face lift technique usually does not cause side effects and is very effective, but you should seek the help of a professional specialist in the field of cosmetic surgery. To learn more about this cosmetic surgery technique, it is better to read the following guide completely.

What kind of operation is endoscopic face lift?

Before and after endoscopic lift

Endoscopic face lift is one of the most common and popular techniques in the field of plastic surgery that helps to rejuvenate your facial skin. By implementing this technique, you will never face signs of facial aging and your facial skin will not become loose.

In fact, this lift technique corrects and restores sagging skin on your face and will last for a long time. It goes without saying that there are various methods for face lift that were done in the past, but now with the help of a device called an endoscope, they remove the skin of the applicant’s face and help to rejuvenate his face.

In this type of plastic surgery, no deep and additional incisions are made on the skin, but the surgeon can access the underlying tissues of the applicant’s face with the help of an endoscope, so he will need few incisions. In general, it can be said that this new face lift technique has few side effects; Because fewer incisions are made on the face.

Why do an endoscopic lift?

Unfortunately, people may experience facial aging for various reasons, or their eyes may look tired and old due to wrinkles on their facial skin, so it will be necessary to use a surgical method to improve their facial skin. The technique that removes sagging skin and removes the heaviness of the eyebrows is called an endoscopic lift.

Considering that there are other less expensive techniques for face lift, you may be wondering why you should use this method to lift your face skin, this beauty procedure does not have any difficult and complicated side effects. At the same time, the endoscopic method makes your facial skin look attractive, fresh and more beautiful than before.

By choosing a professional specialist, you can get rid of the loose skin on your face with the help of small incisions and through the endoscope device. This device can easily and quickly change the muscles and texture of your facial skin and improve it, so your facial skin does not face aging and fatigue.

What incisions are made in endoscopic lift?

The good news is that this lift model will actually be a way beyond rejuvenating the facial skin and removing the signs of aging from your face. This is despite the fact that unlike other methods and techniques, the endoscopic lift involves fewer incisions and problems.

First, the specialist doctor must use local anesthesia to lift your facial skin. Also, specialists can prepare you for this plastic surgery with a relaxing injection. In some cases, even general anesthesia is used before the face lift operation to prepare the patient for surgery.

The incisions made in this new facelift technique are different from the incisions made in the past and old facelift methods. During this surgery, the professional specialist makes only 3 to 5 very small and short incisions in your hairline and then sends the endoscope device into these incisions.

Endoscope is actually one of the most practical tools in the medical industry, which is considered a rich source of light and camera. Next, the surgeon can see the underlying tissues of your facial skin through this camera in his monitor and start working to eliminate the aging of your skin.

Finally, after completing the surgical procedure and treating the aging of the facial skin, the surgeon sutures the incisions. Fortunately, large incisions are not used during this technique, so your facial scars are minimal after surgery and your facial nerve is less at risk.

Important advantages of endoscopic lift

The effect of endoscopic lift

An endoscope lift may not be considered one of the most important and necessary body procedures and has no direct relationship with your health, but it is one of the best ways to rejuvenate your facial skin and improve your face. Considering that this lifting technique causes less bleeding, swelling and bruises, most experts recommend this method.

In other words, the lift through the endoscope is so easy and fast that you need less than a week of rest and you can start your normal daily activities very soon.

If your chosen professional does not use anesthetics, you do not need to be hospitalized, which reduces costs. If you are worried about sagging cheeks, it is better to try this method. In the following, we explain some of the main advantages of this lift technique.

Access to remote areas

In older facelift methods, specialists could not easily access the surrounding parts of your face, but in the endoscopic facelift method, surgeons can access more than a third of your face. For example, the specialist can access the mentioned centers and areas:

  • Frowning lines between the eyebrows
  • Wrinkles around the nose
  • Wrinkles around the cheeks

The possibility of a face lift with a natural appearance

During the old face lift methods, people lose their natural appearance a little, but in the endoscope lift method, you will face your natural appearance, which is free of any type of wrinkles, wrinkles, sagging, and sagging. During this face lift method, in addition to the horizontal changes on your skin, vertical changes can also be done in the most natural way.

High accuracy in endoscopic lift

Comparison of the effect before and after endoscopic lift

Maybe in the old and traditional methods, there was a possibility of error and the possibility of some problems, but in the lifting method with an endoscope, the possibility of error is very low; Because new and advanced tools are used that have the highest accuracy.

By choosing one of the professional plastic surgery specialists and with the help of these precise tools, your face lift surgery can be performed efficiently. In this way, the least scars and scars are created on the skin of your face. In addition, the recovery process after this surgery is very fast.

Fast recovery after surgery

Those who have lifted their face with threads or have received the help of face lift surgery will get their full recovery after a long time. This is despite the fact that during the endoscopic lift method, your facial skin recovers very quickly and you need little time for your recovery period.

In general, the recovery period and full recovery time after this method or face lift technique is much faster than the recovery period and recovery time of other methods; Because during this procedure, small incisions are made on the skin of your face. Since fewer incisions heal faster and involve less damage, your facial skin will also heal faster.

Low complications of endoscopic lift

Another advantage of this face lift method is its low side effects. Usually, most surgeries are associated with risks that cannot be ignored. The lift method with an endoscope will not be an exception to this rule.

Although many risks threaten your face during traditional face lift methods, but in this new method, there are fewer risks for you. In other words, the possibility of infection, bleeding or other problems during this surgical procedure is reduced.

The best candidate for an endoscopic lift

Endoscopic lift is a suitable option for many people and can multiply their beauty, but some people have to do this procedure. In other words, face lift is considered one of the necessary and effective surgeries for some people, and below we name some of the best candidates for endoscopic surgery:

  • elderly
  • Men and women aged 30 to 50 whose facial skin is slightly aged or sagging
  • People who suffer from premature aging and their facial skin looks older than their actual age
  • Those who have loose skin
  • People who have loose neck, jaw and face skin
  • Applicants with flexible skin (flexible skin is vulnerable to dryness and direct sunlight)
  • People who are in perfect physical health
  • Those who can commit to care before and after facelift surgery
  • Applicants who are realistic
  • Those who suffer from severe wrinkles on their skin
  • Those who work and sleep too much have had a negative effect on the youth of their skin
  • People with marionette lines
  • Applicants who suffer from nasolabial folds
  • Those who are unhappy with their sagging chin

Endoscopic lift procedure

Importance and efficiency of endoscopic lift

In the previous sections, we also mentioned that during the endoscopic lift method, the surgeon uses a long and thin tube to check the condition of the underlying tissues. At the end of this thin and long tube, there is a device called an endoscope with a camera attached to it.

This camera helps the professional expert to know the condition of the lower parts of your facial skin. In the continuation of this process and after accurately diagnosing the condition of the underlying tissues, the specialist uses telescopic tools and equipment to tighten the tissues and muscles of the face.

At the same time, during this face lift procedure, the specialist removes the fatty tissues under the applicant’s skin, and as a result, helps to tighten the muscles and change the appearance of the facial skin. The process of implementing this face lift method will not be very difficult, complicated and challenging.

How long does an endoscopic lift last?

Keep in mind, your need for a repeat endoscopic lift depends more on how you take care of your skin than anything else. It can be said that this beauty procedure lasts for about 2 to 10 years and prevents the signs of aging on your face.

 However, in order for the effect of this face lift technique to remain on your skin for a long time, you must take post-operative care seriously and help according to the advice of your surgeon. Some of these cares are listed below:

  • Not using cosmetics excessively and permanently
  • Avoid unhealthy and harmful foods
  • Avoid stress
  • Avoid direct sunlight on your face

Finally, the more you are sensitive and care about the care after this surgery, the longer it will last.

Performing an endoscopic lift under the supervision of the best specialist

The effectiveness of endoscopic lift depends on various factors, the main of which is the selection of a professional specialist and an educated, experienced and experienced surgeon. Although professional specialists charge more than other surgeons, we recommend that you go to an experienced and well-established surgeon to perform your face lift through the endoscope device, which has gained the satisfaction of many patients.

Dr. Jalali is one of the best specialists in the field of face lift or other cosmetic and plastic surgeries, who provides you with the best services according to your taste and needs. So don’t hesitate and fix an appointment with this doctor Hazeq for your face lift.

Examples of endoscopic lift by Dr. Behrouz Jalali

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