Care before nose surgery and its effect on the result of the operation

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Now that medical science and cosmetic surgery methods have advanced to a great extent, many people are requesting to change the shape and shape of their nose. Rhinoplasty is one of the new and popular methods to fix nose defects. Of course, not all people are looking for beauty, and sometimes this operation is performed only for the purpose of treatment, such as removing polyps or nasal deviation. Anyway, as a person applying for this procedure, you must take care before nose surgery seriously; Because these cares have a direct effect on the result of your operation. If you are not familiar with care and tips before nose surgery, you can read the following article.

Meeting with a doctor is one of the main cares before nose surgery

Note that care before nose surgery does not only mean not taking certain medications. Undoubtedly, you should also consider other important factors. One of the main steps before performing rhinoplasty surgery is to find a specialist and professional doctor.

By checking the doctor’s experience and history and considering the before and after photos of his patients, you can be sure of the quality of this doctor’s surgery. Next, you should discuss your expectations with a specialist doctor. For sure, after the surgery, the result can make you happy or sad, so you must be mentally prepared for the success or failure of this operation.

Don’t forget, leave your favorite factors at the disposal of the doctor and get help and guidance from him. Finally, according to your heart’s desire and the recommendations of an expert surgeon, you can make a decisive decision and implement it. Therefore, consider meeting a doctor and consulting him as one of the first preparations.

The importance of consultation before nose surgery

The importance of care before nose surgery

After you find your specialist doctor, you should get the best and most complete advice from him. During the consultation session, the specialist doctor will find out to what extent you are a suitable option for this procedure and will provide you with complete information about the surgery.

At the same time, during the consultation sessions, the specialist doctor examines your previous diseases and learns about your medical history and illness. In this case, if you need a specific treatment process, he will consider that process for you. Also, the surgeries you have done before is another important issue that the specialist doctor should be aware of.

If you have any type of drug sensitivity, you should discuss these sensitivities with your surgeon during the consultation sessions. Finally, the consultation session is done to familiarize you with the specialist and during these sessions you can explain your purpose of the operation to the surgeon.

Preparation before rhinoplasty

In addition to the items and preparations mentioned above, you should pay attention to the care before nose surgery and do not underestimate them. For example, before the surgery, wear loose or buttoned clothes so that after the surgery and discharge, your nose will not be bothered when changing clothes.

People who take good care before nose surgery feel the best during their recovery period and receive a more satisfactory result from their nose surgery. It is better to consider a special room or space for resting after rhinoplasty.

The drugs prescribed by the doctor will make you sleepy after the surgery, so having a ready and soft place to rest after the operation is very efficient and necessary. In simple words, the most important preparation before the operation will be considering the right place to spend the recovery and rest period.

The main cares before nose surgery

Your first step to perform rhinoplasty is to visit a specialist and surgeon’s office. Next, this specialist will decide which surgical method is suitable for you by examining the condition of your nose and its general examination. For example, if your nose is fleshy, a different method is considered for it.

In other words, bone nose surgery is different from meat nose surgery. You should also talk to your doctor and let him know about your desired rhinoplasty, for example, explain whether you prefer fancy, semi-fancy, or natural.

Therefore, according to rhinoplasty, you should consult a professional doctor and then get enough information and prepare for this cosmetic surgery by taking care before nose surgery. Some of the most basic preparations are:

  • Avoid taking inflammatory drugs such as aspirin
  • Avoid smoking and other tobacco products (you should not smoke for at least 2 weeks before surgery)
  • Do not go to the doctor’s office alone (after the surgery, you will not be able to drive, and it is better to have someone with you to perform the post-operative procedures for you)
  • Take the medicines prescribed by the surgeon according to his instructions
  • Take a shower on the day of surgery (usually 3 to 4 days after surgery, you should not shower, because your nose cast should not get wet. If the cast gets wet, the shape of your nose will change)
  • Preparing ice packs to consume after nose surgery
  • Practice breathing with your mouth open before nose surgery. (During the first days after surgery, your nostrils are blocked and you cannot breathe well.)

What to do before nose surgery

The effect of care before nose surgery

You don’t have to do anything hard before your operation, your only main task is to consider a suitable place for recovery and rest. You should also pay attention to and follow the care before nose surgery. In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous sections, you should:

  • Arrange for a friend or family member to be with you on the day of surgery.
  • Provide your companion with the necessary training to take care of you after the nose job.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours the night before surgery.
  • Take a nap during the day before surgery.
  • Give your body a rest.
  • Have light activities.
  • The day before surgery, wash your face several times to completely remove the dead layers of your skin.
  • Use a regular, mild moisturizer.
  • Brush your teeth.
  • Brush your teeth.
  • Eat nutritious and healthy food.

Don’ts before nose surgery

Now that you are somewhat familiar with the dos and don’ts before nose surgery, it is time for the dos and don’ts before this surgery. You should follow a specific diet before your surgery and do not eat any food. Of course, you will face various restrictions before the nose job. Before your rhinoplasty, you should not:

  • drink alcohol
  • smoke
  • Take aspirin.
  • Use heavy and special creams.
  • You stand in front of the sun for a long time.
  • Eat oral surgery at midnight.
  • Drink unnatural and natural drinks at midnight of surgery.
  • Let stress and anxiety into your heart.

Tests before nose surgery

In the initial meetings and consultation with a specialist doctor, in addition to undergoing various examinations, you must perform some necessary tests before the operation. These tests are usually the same in all offices and beauty clinics, but some of them will be different according to the patient’s condition.

The surgeon must test the patient’s blood coagulation before performing rhinoplasty. The physical condition and health of the patient must be carefully examined by the surgeon before the surgery. Following this path, the specialist doctor prescribes medicines and tests according to the patient’s health conditions. Remember that these tests are also part of the preparations before nose surgery. Some of these tests are:

  • Non-pregnancy diagnosis test for women
  • Tests related to blood clotting problems
  • Fasting blood sugar test
  • HIV test
  • HBsAg test
  • HCV Ab test

In addition to the mentioned tests, you must perform a series of important procedures under the supervision of your surgeon. For example, the surgeon must know the exact deviation of your nose and its condition so that he can perform the best procedure for you. Also, your heart rate is important during surgery. Therefore, the following actions will be very important:

  • Perform a CT scan
  • Perform an electrocardiogram
  • Imaging of the chest

Does having a period before nose job affect the surgical process?

Paying attention to care before nose surgery

According to the conducted research, fortunately, period during nose surgery has no effect on the surgical process, but for the patient’s comfort, it is better to perform this surgery when the applicant is not in her menstrual period.

During the period of menstruation, the hormonal effects on the patient’s body are high, so it is possible that the swelling or cramping after the operation will increase. In other words, if you are on your period at the time of surgery, your recovery may take longer or you may experience more discomfort.

To determine the right time for surgery, we recommend that you seek help and guidance from your specialist doctor and surgeon. For sure, the surgeon can consider the best time to perform rhinoplasty based on your physical condition.

Does paying attention to care before nose surgery have an effect on its result?

The short answer to this question is yes. If you take care before nose surgery seriously, the result of your nose surgery will undoubtedly be to your liking and you will face fewer problems. These cares will help you to recover much earlier and not face any obstacles during the surgery.

Therefore, always consider pre-surgery care as important and proceed according to the recommendations and instructions of your surgeon. If you do not pay attention to these cares, your recovery period will definitely be difficult and longer than expected.

Choosing the best surgeon for nose surgery

Apart from all the tips, care and preparations that we have mentioned in this guide, you should also be very careful in choosing a nose surgeon. The expertise, experience, and skill of the surgeon have an impact on the outcome of your nose job. In addition, the surgeon will provide you with some of the most specific medical advice before surgery.

The more time you spend choosing the surgeon of your choice, the more experienced you will be to find a specialist who can perform your rhinoplasty efficiently.

last word

In this guide, we have provided you with complete information about the dos and don’ts before surgery. We also explained what precautions you should take before your nose surgery and what points to pay attention to. If you find one of the best cosmetic surgery offices and clinics, you will definitely get more complete information about the procedure and pre-care.

Dr. Jalali’s office is also one of these cosmetic surgery clinics that provides various services in the field of beauty for respected applicants. In this way, by visiting the office of this specialist, you can get more complete information about care before nose surgery.

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