متخصص جراحی فک و صورت

متخصص جراحی فک و صورت

fleshy nose

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If you decide to have a fleshy nose job and are looking for the best nose job surgeon, the professional and experienced team of Dr. Behrouz Jalali is ready to consult with you.
More than fifteen years of experience and a modern and well-equipped clinic are our distinguishing points. Do not hesitate and book a consultation now.

About nose job

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According to the obtained statistics, most men will be dissatisfied with their fleshy nose and think about surgery. In other words, fleshy nose is more common among men because their nose has weak cartilage. If you are also unhappy with the fleshy nose and the low tip, it is not bad to think about surgery. The rhinoplasty will usually repair not only the lower tip of the nose but also its open and thick wings. Maybe in the past, this type of operation was not very satisfactory and the patients still did not feel good after their rhinoplasty, but now, with the increasing progress of technology, this operation is performed better. In this guide, we provide you with more complete information about nose surgery.

Is rhinoplasty more difficult than other nose surgeries?

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Meat is reversible in most cases. In simple words, after paying the exorbitant costs of rhinoplasty and suffering a lot, after several years, patients face their fleshy nose again, which will be difficult and unbearable for them. But what is the reason for the return of fleshy nose? Considering the structure of fleshy noses, which are composed of weak cartilage, thick skin, and numerous sebaceous glands, if the surgeon does not perform the fleshy nose operation well, the defects of this nose will return. The difficulty of this model’s surgery depends on its skin. According to the opinions recorded by most of the patients, the operation of fleshy noses with normal skin will be easier to change, but fleshy noses with thick skin will have a more difficult surgical procedure. As a result, this type of operation is a little more difficult and sensitive than normal nose surgery due to the nature of the nose skin.

Maxillofacial surgery specialist

dr-behrouz jalali

Comparison of nose surgery with other nose surgeries

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In the past, nose surgery mostly meant removing the cartilage of the nose. In this case, sometimes this operation led to depressions and wounds in the skin, which made it impossible for the applicant to achieve a balanced and natural appearance. Meanwhile, in today’s medical community, many professionals have come to work. They can perform surgery on patients’ fleshy noses in the best possible way and increase the appearance of patients’ faces. begining steps Nose surgery like The operation of other noses During the initial stages, the specialist examines the condition of the patient’s nose and adjusts its structure with eyes, Species, chin and other parts of the patient’s face will be compared. Next, the surgeon decides to take help from the rhinoplasty method to restore the appearance of the patient’s face.

In other words, not all patients are good candidates for this surgery, but the specialist must perform the necessary investigations and proceed according to a specific plan for the surgery. Not to mention, in addition to fleshy nose surgery, some surgeons can also help with facial rejuvenation. People who have a fleshy nose or the tip of their nose is too fleshy, will be eligible for this surgery. In general, consultation before the implementation of this cosmetic procedure is considered one of the main stages of surgery. Flesh nose is the most common shape of nose in the world, hence the surgical method of this nose model is more popular compared to other noses. According to the obtained statistics, about 25% of people have fleshy noses. Normally, fleshy noses will be large and prominent.

After nose surgery, will the shape of the nose return?

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The first question that will be asked to you before performing nose surgery will be related to the return of the shape of the nose after the surgery. In other words, this question is one of the main concerns of patients. As we said, maybe in the past after the operation of fleshy noses, the shape of this model of noses would return again, but it is not like this now. In the modern and up-to-date world, medical devices and equipment have developed so much that the operation of fleshy noses is less risky. Accompanied. If you choose an expert and professional surgeon for this surgery, the possible risks will be zero.

In some cases, surgeons are not careful enough when removing the fat under the nose, and this causes the nose to be deformed. Also, if these fats are removed too much, the process of blood supply to the tip of the nose will be disturbed, and this issue will bring complications and bad consequences.

By choosing a professional surgeon, you don’t need to worry about your fleshy nose coming back; Because a professional specialist strengthens the tissues and cartilages of your head or the tip of your nose, and by strengthening these parts, the possibility of the return of a fleshy nose is reduced as much as possible.

It can be said that these tissues and Cartilages They are used to strengthen the tip of the nose and prevent the nose from deforming again after surgery. In addition, if the surgeon uses tissues that are not strong enough during the operation, it is possible that your fleshy nose will return to its original state. The last point is to use nasal tape regularly to prevent the return of fleshy nose. And it is permanent. Also, if you don’t put the nose tape on your nose correctly, it is possible that your fleshy nose will return to its previous shape after a short period of time.

Is the effect of nose surgery related to the age of the patient?

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In all medical, therapeutic and surgical processes, the age of the applicant and the patient is of great importance. Nose job will not be an exception to this rule. In other words, depending on your age, you may get a positive or negative result from this procedure. According to the advice of many experienced and seasoned surgeons, you should not start working on nose surgery before the age of 18. The tissues and cartilages of your nose are still growing until the age of 18 and are not yet fully developed.

Don’t forget that the growth of the nose continues until the age of 29, so we recommend that you get the best possible result after the complete growth of the nose. If you operate your nose in your early 20s, you have to accept the risk of it coming back. In general, to get the best result of nose surgery, it is better to start at the age of 30. At this age, you have reached full physical maturity and your facial skin is in the best possible condition, so it will be a good time to perform this surgery.

The tips of the fleshy noses are very wide and no bones can be felt under them. This issue is also considered as one of the reasons for the difficulty of performing nose surgery. Long, thick ribs and wide fleshy noses make the surgical procedure difficult for specialists. At the same time, the weakness of the cartilage and bone of the nose will make the procedures of this surgery more and more difficult. According to the collected information, the main reason for the difficulty of nose surgery is related to their thick skin.The thicker the skin of the fleshy nose, the less visible the defect and deviation of the skeleton underneath. Most surgeons and professional specialists consider thick skin as a big challenge in the process of fleshy nose surgery. In some cases, even surgeons refuse to operate this type of nose because the final result of fleshy nose surgery with thick skin may be desirable. Do not be sick.

The best candidate for nose job

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Maybe you think based on the appearance of your nose that nose job is the best option for you, but a specialist and a professional surgeon after examining and checking the condition of your nose will choose another method. will suggest Therefore, the best candidate for performing this surgery can only be recognized by experts and professionals. Surgeons and professionals consider the interests of their patients and based on ethical and therapeutic principles, they offer the best nose surgery method to beauty seekers. In fact, after consulting with a specialist surgeon, you can prepare for this surgery or consider another surgical method. Specialist doctors first consider the condition of your nose and your health status. Then, according to the fleshy nose model and the skin and fat under the nose, they start to perform this surgery. Never be fooled by false advertisements and try to get help from the best experts in this field.

Maxillofacial surgery specialist

dr-behrouz jalali

Dr. Behrouz Jalali's rhinoplasty samples

Your common questions about rhinoplasty

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علت گوشت اضافه بعد از عمل بینی چیست؟

گوشت اضافه بعد از عمل بینی که با نام اسکار کلوئیدی نیز خوانده می‌شود یکی از عوارض نادر در جراحی زیبایی بینی است. این اسکار به دلیل تکثیر افراطی کلاژن بر روی سطح پوست ایجاد می‌شود. در حالت عادی بعد از هر نوع آسیب و شکاف، کلاژن‌ها ترشح می‌شوند تا محل زخم را ترمیم کنند اما اگر این ترشح بیش از حد باشد، در ناحیه شکاف و زخم گوشت اضافه به وجود می‌آید.

The best nose surgeon

If you are looking for a doctor who can reduce the risk and probability of your nose coming back as much as possible, you can visit Dr. Jalali. Dr. Behrouz Jalali, a maxillofacial surgery specialist, can help you make a better decision. This specialist can provide you with a full consultation before rhinoplasty and nose reshaping.